Hutchens’s intent was to show the futility of Loebner’s contest.
Relied on non sequiturs in conversation. Winning programmer: Joseph Weintraub’s program PC Therapist III. Eight cases in which a computer was misclassified as human. Five judges rated the top contestant as human. To give the computers a fighting chance, contestants were allowed to select a single topic to converse on. Judges had short conversations with each contestant and rated their human-ness. 1991: 10 judges and 8 contestants (6 computers and 2 humans).
Machines are programmed to carry on a conversation with the user.
Expands this to a computer convincing an interrogator that it is human. Turing described an “imitation game” in which a man and a woman both try to convince an interrogator that he/she is the woman. Turing’s 1950 paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence.”
The Turing Test Conversational AI and the Loebner Prize Competition Jen Brandner for CSCI 405